Valentines Day

Not having a significant other on Valentine’s Day sucks.  The older I get, the more it sucks.  I am not stating this to get attention.  I am not stating this to get sympathy.  I am stating this because I know there are a lot of people out there who can relate.  I am always happy …

The Vision

127 Fit/Fitness 127: The 127 in 127 Fit/Fitness is a reference to the Bible verse, James 1:27, which states, Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans (fatherless) and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.  (NKJV) Fitness. – We fitness. Thoughts. – We …

Please and Thank You

Please and thank you. Simple words. Powerful words. Kind words. Words of manner. Words that seem to have been lost. When I was growing up, I was instructed to use my manners. I was instructed to say please, to say thank you. Today, I rarely hear anyone, young or old, use please and thank you. …

Joe and Samantha Todd: Spartan Barbell (Strength, Hardwork, Dedication) Joe and Samantha Todd are the owners of the powerlifting gym, Spartan Barbell in Colorado Springs, CO.  Joe and Samantha are the first couple I have had the pleasure of interviewing on the 127 Fit podcast.  We had a great conversation covering a wide array of topics that included, marriage, parenting, nutrition, powerlifting, and …