
Remove yourself from your feelings and emotions.  Step outside of yourself in order to think, see, and hear clearly.  Too often, we are lost in ourselves.  Lost in our feelings, emotions, anxieties, fears, and sorrows.  Too often, we can’t get past the inner self, in order to accomplish the tasks to reach our full potential.  …


There are a lot of fake people in this world.  Fake in what they say, fake in what they do, and fake in how they portray themselves.  It’s pathetic.  People are trying to be something or someone in order to gain some kind of recognition.  In order to gain some sort of financial backing.  In …


This is what is inside of me right now.  Deep within.  Deep within my soul, my spirit, my inner man.  It’s brewing.  It’s burning.  It’s been brewing.  It’s been burning.  I can’t ignore it.  I don’t want to ignore it.  I know it is who I am.  I know it is what I am.  I …


One of the most difficult endeavors in life is change.  Naturally, none of us likes change.  Our mind wants to live life on auto-pilot.  Our mind will fight to keep us on cruise-control.  Doing the same things, the same way, over and over again, day in and day out.  Our mind will fight for routine, …

Held Back

I will not be held back.  I will not be held back.  I will not be held back.  I will not be held back.  I will not be held back by my fear.  I will not be held back by the fear of what other’s may think about me.  I will not be held back …

You Don’t Know

You don’t know, if you don’t try.  You will never know, if you never attempt.  Allow yourself to try.  Allow yourself to attempt.  Allow yourself to fail.  Allow yourself to succeed.  Allow yourself to learn.  Allow yourself to grow, mature, and become better.  Allow yourself to be vulnerable.  Real.  Raw.  Authentic.  What burns inside of …

The Crowd

When you follow the crowd, you die by the crowd.  Is it important to have connection with others?  I believe so.  We need connection.  We need interaction with others.  We need community.  But, we also need to be cautious.  We need to be aware.  We need to know who we are as an individual.  Otherwise, …

The Peaceful Warrior (Vegan MMA Fighter Caleb Crump) The Peaceful Warrior shares his journey from wrestling to MMA


I have wasted so much time in my life.  I have wasted so many opportunities.  It is frustrating to think about.  I hate wasting time.  I hate being unproductive.  I hate laziness.  But so often,  I have allowed myself to waste time.  I have allowed myself to be unproductive, and have allowed myself to indulge …

You Choose

You choose the direction your life is going to go.  You choose who you will be today.  You choose how you respond.  How you react.  You choose how you will treat others.  You choose what thoughts you will allow to take residence within your mind.  You choose what words you speak.  You choose how hard …